12" Force Main at Caribbean Bldv.
GC/Owner: Miami-Water & Sewer Dept.
Installation of +/- 5,000 LF of 12" Force Main and Subaquos Crossing Canal +/- 180
South Ridge Park
GC/Owner: NAC Construction
Paving and Drainage, Water and Sewer connections for new Park Facility
Parking Lot Aprox 9,000 sy
12" Water Main at 62nd Ave.
GC/Owner: Miami-Water & Sewer Dept.
Installation of +/- 4,800 LF of 12" Water Main with 200 Water Services at City of
Miami at 62nd Ave.
Visiting Quarters at Homestead-Air Force Base
GC/Owner: JCI International
Paving and Drainage, Water and Sewer Connections for new Building Facility
at Homestead Air Reserve Base Parking Lot aprox. 4,000 sy.
Drainage Improvements
GC/Owner: Miami Dade County
New Drainage System Installation at Public Works Area +/- 3,000 LF of new
Drainage Pipe and 50 new Drainage Structures. Asphalt restoration and
Drainage Improvements
GC/Owner: Miami Dade County
New Drainage System Installation at Public Work Area +/- 2,000 LF of new
Drainage DIP and 40 new drainage structures including new Defender
Seagrapes Apartments at Marathon
GC/Owner: Siltek Group
Installation of Water Sewer and Drainage for new 4 Building Apartments Water
Main +/- 2,500 LF of 8" PVC Pipe, Sewer Main +/- 1,500 LF and 10 Manholes,
Drainage System aprox. 1,000 LF of 18" HDPEpipe and 10 Structures. 4,000
LF of 2" Force Main was installed along US1
Drainage Improvements
GC/Owner: City of Pompano Beach
New Drainage System Installation +/- 2,500 LF of 18" HDPE Perforated and 25
Drainage Structures, Asphalt Restoration, Milling and resurfacing.
The Palms at Deerfield Beach
GC/Owner: Siltek Group Inc
Water Sewer and Drainage System Installation for 8 new low income Bldgs.
Water Main aprox. 1,000 LF of 8" PVC and 8 new 4" Water Services Sewer Line
aprox. 800 LF of 8" PVC with 5 new manholes. Drainage aprox 2,000 LF of 18"
perforated pipe with 25 new structures
SR 874 at Kendall Ramp
GC/Owner: Condotte America
Drainage System Installation for new ramp at Kendall Drive and SR 878 .
Owner MDX. Drainage Structures +/- 70 each, drainage Pipes +/- 4,500 LF from
15" to 30" diameter.
Alton Road
GC/Owner: Team Contracting
New parking lot aprox. 2,500 sy.
Ocean Reef Club
GC/Owner: D'Garret Construction
New water and sewer main installation aprox. 1,000 LF of 6" DIP water main
and +/- 600 LF of sewer main.
MIA Park 6
GC/Owner: MGCC
New Ramp entrance at MIA Airport Temporary Parking Area.
12" Force Main
GC/Owner: Development & Communication Group
2,000 LF of 12" force main installation at Miami. Materials provided by the city.
Seaboard Acres Ditch
GC/Owner: Development & Communication Group
Canal Rehabilitation New Drainage System aprox. 500 LF French Drain and 6
SR 874 and Killian Pwy Improv.
GC/Owner: Condotte America
Installation of drainage system for SR 874 and Killian Parkway Improvements
project, aprox. 200 drainage structures and 20,000 LF of drainage pipe from
15" to 36" A2000 class pipe
SR 826 Section I
GC/Owner: Condotte America
New drainage System for project FDOT Section II at SR 826 aprox. 120
drainage structures and 14,000 LF of A2000 class pipe
SR 826 /SR 836 Interchange
GC/Owner: Condotte America
New drainage system for FDOT Project at SR 826/836 Interchange
Improvement approx. 12,000 LF of Drainage Pipe.
Miscellaneous Water Distribution
GC/Owner: City of Coral Springs
Installation of 16" DIP Water Transmission Lines including 1,400 LF of
Directional Bore of 16" FPVC pipe. Installation of 7,000 LF of 12" DIP Water
Transmission Line including 1,800 LF of Directional Bore 12" FPVC pipe.
Section 17 Water Services Replac.
GC/Owner: City of Coral Springs
Replacement of aprox. 700 Water Water Services including new meter and
meter boxes in City of Coral Springs Area.